I came across this interesting prompt on Dr.Amrita and DeepaGandhi’s blog asking ‘Do you think all dads are superheroes?’ and it got me thinking, isn’t it true? All normal and sensible men are superheroes in their own right!

Think back to your dad’s, don’t you hold a special place for them in your hearts? I do! For me, my dad gave me the best childhood that I could have asked for. So was he a superhero? Yes! When as a grown-up I realize the trials that my parents must have faced in my growing up years, they certainly are superheroes to me.

Now coming to the other Dad in my life i.e My kiddo’s father. Is he a superhero? I bet he is! When I was expecting, I was a bit fazed with the changes that were happening within me and around me. I wondered if I would be able to manage the responsibility. Frankly, I was blissfully unaware of the all-nighters, feeding struggles, teething issues and the never ending list of challenges that will be thrown my way. It was the same for my husband. However, I realize now, that as I was fazed about the impending motherhood, he was about the impending fatherhood. But from day one, he assured me that we were in this together and he has supported me all along.All fathers are superheros FathersDay

Being a responsible father is no mean task

A responsible father is born the day, a baby is born. The moment he holds the tiny baby, he realizes that now on everything will revolve around this bundle of joy. Be it his career choices, his hobbies or even his television watching habits, everything changes. A father undergoes many changes, just as a mother, but it is seldom talked about.

It’s always baby first

If he is the sole breadwinner in the family, then his economics always revolve around his children and family. He might hate his job, but he won’t just leave it as that would put his family in distress. I have seen many fathers choosing their career paths based on the welfare of their children. Buying something for self will take a backseat and will happen only once all his children’s needs are fulfilled. They might travel far away from homes and live there for long spells, if it offers a good life to their family, all the while pining for dear ones.

Taking on new-age father responsibilities

The new-age father is involved on a deeper level in the family responsibilities. He is a hands-on dad who is more involved in the upbringing of the children as compared to our fathers probably. This makes them no less than a super-hero. Managing kids schedules, taking them to extra-classes, managing the house or even changing diapers. They are doing it all.

All this and more makes Dad’s special. Are they superheroes? I haven’t seen one, but I am sure if there was a superhero, he would closely resemble these many heroes that we encounter in our daily life.

Want to give your dad a gift? Turn him into a superhero bobblehead that looks like him. It’s surprisingly affordable and very easy.

13 Replies to “Are all Dad’s Superheroes?”

    1. Very true Atul, it’s the toughest on job training in the world but also the most cherished

  1. Agree Neha… I strongly believe all fathers are superheroes. without the cape. Loved reading your views about it. ThaNks for linking up with #MMM 🙂

    1. Yes Geethica, a man’s life too changes in many ways after a baby comes into the family. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts

  2. 29812 160789Thanks for the post. I like your writing style – Im trying to start a blog myself, I think I might read thru all your posts for some suggestions! Thanks once more. 17650

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